The study of the moisture absorption properties of cathiazine




cathiazin; substance; hygroscopicity


Aim. To study the moisture absorption properties of cathiazine – a new synthetic substance stimulating spermatogenesis and possessing hepatoprotective properties.

Materials and methods. The kinetics of the moisture absorption capacity (hygroscopicity) was determined using the weight method at relative ambient humidity of 44 % and 75 % at a temperature of (25 ± 2) °С.

Results and discussion. The weight gain of three batches of the substance cathiazine under research during the whole experiment under relative humidity conditions of 44 % was in the range from 0 to 0.041 %; when increasing humidity the percentage of the weight gain ranged from 0 to 0.082 %. Thus, the hygroscopicity of the active pharmaceutical ingredient cathiazine in all three batches can be described as insignificant.

Conclusions. The results obtained indicate that the cathiazine original substance is non-hygroscopic, and this fact can be used in the development of a pharmacopoeial monograph.

Supporting Agency

  • Роботу виконано в межах теми Інституту проблем ендокринної патології ім. В.Я. Данилевського НАМН України «Визначення плейотропного ефекту похідного камфорної кислоти – стимулятора сперматогенезу» (№ держреєстрації 0114U001204).


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How to Cite

Cherniaieva, O. I.; Gritsenko, I. S. The Study of the Moisture Absorption Properties of Cathiazine. J. Org. Pharm. Chem. 2021, 19, 60-62.



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