Modern chemical disinfectants and antiseptics. Part I
antiseptics, disinfectants, microorganisms, viruses, spores, resistanceAbstract
Aim. To generalize and systematize information on the properties of modern chemical disinfectants and antiseptic agents (DA and AA).
Results and discussion. The review provides generalized and systematized information on the properties of modern chemical DA and AA – alkylating reagents, aldehydes, amides, amidines, bisguanidines, dyes, halogenated reagents, halogens and their complexes, 2-nitrofuran derivatives. The classification of DA and AA by their chemical structure was carried out. The activity spectra, possible application ways and forms of DA and AA were given. Their toxicity and impact on the environment were described as well.
Conclusions. On the basis of the analysis carried out it was shown that aldehydes, halogen-active compounds and halogen-containing complexes are modern effective DA and AA with a wide spectrum of biocidal action. Amides, amidines and bisguanidines are characterized by a narrow spectrum of activity. Dyes and 2-nitrofuran derivatives are old-fashioned antiseptics.
Supporting Agency
- The work is a part of researches of the National University of Food Technologies on the topic "Chemical design and the study of properties of heterocyclic compounds (the state registration No. 0119U103520)
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