Modern chemical disinfectants and antiseptics. Part II
antiseptics, disinfectants, microorganisms, viruses, spores, resistanceAbstract
Aim. To generalize and systematize information on the properties of modern chemical disinfectants and antiseptic agents (DA and AA) – peroxide compounds, surfactants, salts of heavy metals and metals of variable valence in the highest oxidation state, alcohols, phenols and quaternary ammonium salts.
Results and discussion. The classification of DA and AA by the chemical structure was performed. The spectrum of their activity, directions and forms of DA and AA were given. Toxicity and the impact on the environment were described.
Conclusions. The results of the study conducted allow us to state that modern DA and AA of a wide spectrum of action are peracetic acid and, to a certain extent, hydrogen peroxide. However, they are unstable in dilute solutions. Other reagents are chemically stable, but they are characterized by a weak or average action against spores and viruses. The most effective DA and AA are mixtures
(combinations) of compounds belonging to different classes. The examples of these combinations are “surfactants + biguanidine derivatives”; “quaternary ammonium salts + phenol derivatives”; “surfactants + aldehydes”; “quaternary ammonium salts + hydrogen peroxide”. These mixtures combine the advantages and compensate for the disadvantages of individual DA and AA.
Supporting Agency
- The research was performed in accordance with the topic of the National University of Food Technologies on the topic “Chemical design and properties study of compounds of heterocyclic nature” (the state registration No. 0119U103520).
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