Determination of the quantitative content of some groups of phenolic compounds in tinctures from the raw material of plant families Polygonaceae, Rosaceae, Asteraceae




tinctures, Rumex, Sanguisorba, Rosa, Arctium, Bidens, polyphenols, hydroxycinnamic acids


Aim. To determine the quantitative content of total polyphenols and the amount of hydroxycinnamic acids in the series of tinctures from rhizomes with roots of Rumex confertus Willd., Sanguisorba officinalis L., roots of Rosa majalis Herrm., Rosa canina L., Arctium lappa L., Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh., Arctium tomentosum Mill., and the herb of Bidens tripartita L.
Materials and methods. As study objects the tinctures from rhizomes with roots of Rumex confertus, Sanguisorba officinalis, roots of Rosa majalis, Rosa canina, Arctium lappa, Arctium minus, Arctium tomentosum and the herb of Bidens tripartita were used. These tinctures were obtained by the method of maceration at room temperature and the ratio of 1 : 5 of the plant raw material/finished products; the extractant was 50 % ethyl alcohol. The quantitative content of total polyphenols and the amount of hydroxycinnamic acids was determined by spectrophotometry according to the methods of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine.
Results and discussion. The limits of the quantitative content of total polyphenols and the amount of hydroxycinnamic acids in the tinctures were determined. They were not less than 0.070 mg mL-1 and 0.002 mg mL-1 for the tincture of rhizomes with roots of Rumex confertus, 0.100 mg mL-1 and 0.005 mg mL-1 for the tincture of rhizomes with roots of Sanguisorba officinalis, 0.070 mg mL-1 and 0.002 mg mL-1 for the tincture of Rosa majalis roots, 0.080 mg mL-1 and 0.001 mg mL-1 for the tincture of Rosa canina roots, 0.01 mg mL-1 and 0.001 mg mL-1 for the tincture of Arctium lappa roots, 0.010 mg mL-1 and 0.002 mg mL-1 for the tincture of Arctium minus roots, 0.001 mg mL-1 and 0.002 mg mL-1 for the tincture of Arctium tomentosum roots, 0.070 mg mL-1 and 0.001 mg mL-1 for the tincture of Bidens tripartita herb, respectively.
Conclusions. The quantitative content of total polyphenols and the amount of hydroxycinnamic acids in tinctures from rhizomes with roots of Rumex confertus, Sanguisorba officinalis, roots of Rosa majalis, Rosa canina, Arctium lappa, Arctium minus, Arctium tomentosum and the herb of Bidens tripartita have been determined. The data obtained will be used in further work on the study of tinctures of these types of the plant raw material.

Supporting Agency

  • The work is a part of researches of the National University of Pharmacy on the topic «Organic synthesis and analysis of biologically active compounds, drugs development on the basis of synthetic substances» (the state registration No. 01144000943; the research period 2019 – 2024).



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How to Cite

Oproshanska, T. V.; Khvorost, O. P. Determination of the Quantitative Content of Some Groups of Phenolic Compounds in Tinctures from the Raw Material of Plant Families Polygonaceae, Rosaceae, Asteraceae. J. Org. Pharm. Chem. 2022, 19, 54-59.



Original Researches