The Quantitative Determination of Etonium by the Enzymatic Kinetic-Spectrophotometric Method




surfactant, ethonium, cholinesterase, acetylcholine


The use of the cholinesterase enzyme as a component of the analytical system has made it possible to develop a new kinetic-spectrophotometric method, which is alternative to the pharmacopoeial method, for determining the quaternary ammonium salt – ethonium in the substance and a dosage form. This method is characterized by high sensitivity and specificity, and is relatively cheap. The relative standard deviation of the procedure does not exceed 2.7 %, and the limit of quantification is 17 ng mL–1.

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  • The authors received no specific funding for this work.


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How to Cite

Blazheyevskiy, M. Y.; Kovalska, O. V. The Quantitative Determination of Etonium by the Enzymatic Kinetic-Spectrophotometric Method. J. Org. Pharm. Chem. 2024, 22, 57-62.



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