A new convenient method for preparing tetrabutylammonium closo-dodecaborate





closo-dodecaborate, octahydrotriborate, pyrolysis, DFT calculations


A new synthetic procedure for preparing tetrabutylammonium closo-dodecaborate (Bu4N)2B12H12 by the solvent-free pyrolysis of tetrabutylammonium tetrahydroborate Bu4NBH4 has been developed. The procedure also provides isolation of pure tetrabutylammonium octahydrotriborate Bu4NB3H8 as a by-product. The main advantages of the route proposed are convenience and utilization of readily available starting materials. The compounds prepared have been characterized by NMR and IR spectroscopy. Based on the DFT calculations of normal modes of the [B3H8]- and [B12H12]2- anions, the assignment of the main absorption bands in the IR spectra of the compounds synthesized has been performed.

Supporting Agency

  • The work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Ukraine (grant No. 0123U104256).


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How to Cite

Mishchenko, A. M.; Nechayev, M. A.; Subota, A. I.; Kozytskiy, A. V.; Svaliavyn, O. V.; Lishchenko, Y. L.; Aleksandrova, A. M.; Rassukana, Y. V.; Leha, D. O. A New Convenient Method for Preparing Tetrabutylammonium Closo-Dodecaborate. J. Org. Pharm. Chem. 2025, 22, 3-9.



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